Strength for the day

by Rachel Hill

I am starting to learn the meaning of that saying.  I’m sure there are tons of verses that talk about God’s provision, one moment, one step at a time.  But frankly, I’m too exhausted and frazzled to look them up right now.  Last night, Kevin wasn’t able to come home from work until 11:30.  He’s exhausted.  I’m exhausted.  This morning he had to go in at 10:00.  I was just wondering how I was going to make it one moment more.  I reached out to my parents and they said they’d come help out, even if Evie was still sick.  I asked my friends Tim and Becky to bring more soup, because she won’t touch the soup I make.  I reached out to our neighborhood facebook group to ask for a ride for Kevin so I would be able to let Evie sleep through her morning nap.  My parents said they’d head right over.  Tim and Becky just showed up with more soup 10 minutes after I’d texted them.  And our dear friend Erica called me 4 minutes after my FB request and offered a ride for Kevin.  God gave me peace for that moment.

After Kevin had left, Jude started melting down because he didn’t want Daddy to leave.  Meltdown turned into tantrum which turned into timeout with him screaming on the other side of the door.  Evie woke up early from her nap and was crying in her crib.  The peace I had vanished.  I felt myself starting to dissolve into tears.  Then an unexpected knock on the door.  Becky was back.  With this:

RSH 7231

I’d mentioned that I’d never been able to get to the store for the last two days to get more produce for juicing for Kevin (we are going the traditional treatment route, but are doing everything supportive that we can).

It wasn’t just the produce that was so welcome in that moment.  That’s the reason BECKY came over.  But the reason I NEEDED her in that moment was just a hug, just reassurance that we were going to make it.  I needed not just strength for the day, but strength for the moment.  I may not know too many Bible verses (but I’m learning quickly) but the Prayer of St. Frances De Sales says in more beautiful poetry than I ever could.


Be at Peace

Do not look forward in fear to the changes of life;

rather look to them with full hope as they arise.

God, whose very own you are,

will deliver you from out of them.

He has kept you hitherto,

and He will lead you safely through all things;

and when you cannot stand it,

God will bury you in his arms.


Do not fear what may happen tomorrow;

the same everlasting Father who cares for you today

will take care of you then and everyday.

He will either shield you from suffering,

or will give you unfailing strength to bear it.

Be at peace,

and put aside all anxious thoughts and imagination.

St. Francis de Sales 1567-1622

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Lila December 11, 2011 at 4:26 pm



2 irene gram December 11, 2011 at 9:45 pm

Oh those “terrible twos”! Sounds like Jude is the prime candidate.
A friend told me recently that chicken soup is the “Jew’s penicillin”.
Hope it’s charm continues.
Love, Irene


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